Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The LaundryTarts Strip It! ~ Giveaway

That wonderful Tarts over at The Laundry Tarts headquarters have been gracious enough to sponsor a giveaway following our review of Strip It!  This is a wonderful product and a great opportunity to win some for yourself.

Giveaway begins today and ends on Earth Day.
Good luck everyone!

Monday, April 9, 2012

The LaundryTarts Strip It! ~ Review

Over time, you may notice your diapers develop some residual buildup.   Signs of buildup include, repelling, which leads loss of absorbency and the always dreaded "stinkies".  Whether buildup occurs from a diaper cream or laundry detergent, every now and then it's a good idea to give your diapers a strip to get back to your regular laundry routine.  Strip It! is designed to treat your cloth diapers, as well as any other garments that may need a treatment to remove odours, residues or heavy soiling.

- Sodium chloride
- Sodium pre-carbonate
- Sodium bi-carbonate

In the cloth diaper world, man made, synthetic fibers, such as microfiber, suedecloth and fleece tend to be prone to buildup more often than all natural fibers such as cotton, bamboo or hemp.  Our cloth diaper stash is made of all natural fibers, in my earlier review of The Laundry Tarts Detergent I wrote about not encountering any buildup with this amazing detergent.  When I set forth to strip our diapers with Strip It!, it was for routine maintenance purposes and to test out the product.

I ran our diaper through a hot wash with no detergent prior to getting down to stripping.  A little bit of this amazing product goes a long way.  I then placed about a teaspoon of Strip It! in cold water in our top loading washing machine and filled it to the maximum water setting.  I let our diapers sit for about an hour with the timer on, anxiously awaiting to see how it was working.

After approximately an hour long soak, I put the machine on gentle agitate and then began the most dreaded part of stripping; the rinsing.  With other stripping formulas, it is not uncommon to have to have to do four, five or more rinses.  I was able to to successfully rinse in two full rinses in cold water after the initial first rinse.  That's alot of water gone un-wasted!

Strip It! yielded amazing results.  Everything came out nice and fresh, free from any small bit amount of buildup we may have had.  With other popular stripping products, you have to buy per treatment, the way The Laundry Tarts have set up Strip It!, one bag should last a long time yielding 20/40 treatments. Depending on your stash, one package of Strip It! could last one (or more) child's time in cloth diapers.

Thanks again Tarts, another amazing product!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Laundry Tarts Sweet Spot stain remover ~ Review

The Sweet Spot Stain Remover from The Laundry Tarts is nothing short of a miracle stain remover packed into a small little bar.

Handmade and developed by two business partners with products which  never cease to amaze me.  This stain stick is what really started my love affair with all of TLT's products.  What can I say, these products are beyond amazing and THEY WORK!

The sweet spot stain remover works on everyday stains, from grease stains, crayons, pretty much anything you can stain, this stick will get it out.  Our primary use for it is on our cloth diapers.  Since beginning to use it in the Fall of 2011, not one cloth diaper has a stain.

- Spanofied coconut/canola oil
- Rosemary extract

Yet again, all natural ingredients you can find in your kitchen!

I really want to test the power of this stain stick, so I searched high and low for a used cloth diaper that was in need of some good old TLC.  The diaper I received was brown.  I ran it through with our regular cloth diaper wash and no change, I sunned it on a bright sunny day, and still nothing.  That's when Sweet Spot came onto the scene.

I used the Sweet Spot stain remover on the entire diaper, threw it in the wash with our soiled diapers and was amazed that it was noticeably whiter.  I repeated the process and this diaper is now as white as I can get it.  I wish I'd have taken a before picture in hindsight.

The Sweet Spot stain remover always surprises me.  When diapers have sat in a wet-bag for 48 hours, you would assume the stains have set in.  With a little soak in hot water and a quick lather from Sweet Spot, it's guaranteed to lift potential stains.  In my experience it's work each and every time; without fail.

This is a must have for your laundering needs which compliments TLT's amazing lineup of products.

Thanks again Tarts for yet another amazing product that 100% natural, as always!